Sunday, April 17, 2011 | By: Anita


Needless to say, Wayne is technologically challenged. Usually I am the one taking photos on our holidays and normally I don't mind. But every once in a while I like to get my photo take too. So, I had asked him to take a photo of me while I was doing the water aerobics. After he's taken what he thought was a photo, we looked at it and nope it wasn't a "photo" but a video and unfortunately I cannot get it uploaded onto blogger for everyone to enjoy it with me. So I guess I'll post another one of Wayne. This is one of the many times he sat with his legs in the pool, chatting with someone new. He met so many people on this holiday, that one night at supper he had so many people say hi to him that he couldn't remember then all. {smirk!} too fun!
