Tuesday, October 18, 2016 | By: Anita

Letter to our Grandson

It's his 1st birthday, today! And we wrote him a letter...
Dear Gavin;
You came into this world on October 18, 2015, a wee bit earlier than we expected.  And our hearts melted the first time we saw you.  You are such an incredible blessing to us. Though you have only been in this world for one short year, we already love you so much. You have rocked our world in ways we never imagined could happen.
We want to tell you how very special it is to have you as our first grandson, and so far our only grandchild.  Your entry into the family stretched our hearts as it had never been stretched before. Our hearts swelled as we held you, rocked you, and kissed your sweet little face. Such pleasure comes from watching you learning to crawl, to sit and walk with just wee bit of help from those around you. The moments we snuggle together sharing books are the best! {and perhaps my favourite.}
It is such an incredible privilege and pleasure to watch you grow, and develop your own unique personality.
Gavin, we want to be the best Gigi & Pops possible, but we know we will make some mistakes. But please know that we promise to pray for you.  For your salvation and that you will discover the grace that comes by faith in Jesus Christ.  And for God to give you clear direction as you trust him with your life.
Know that we will support your parents in all they do to raise you. You have been given an incredible mom and dad. They love you so much.
We plan to be some of your biggest fans. Of course, we don’t know what paths you will pursue, but we will be there to encourage you, to cheer you on, to remind you that you can do anything in God’s strength. {Philippians 4:13} You see, we believe God has great plans for your life. {Jeremiah 29:11} And it will be a pure joy to watch His plan unfold in your life.
Dearest Gavin, you are our first. You are the one to make us a Gigi & Pops.  We want you to know that we will always, always, always, be here for you {Lord willing}.  We love you, our handsome little bear. We love you ever so very much!
All our Love
Gigi & Pops 
Take Care


krystle ann-marie said...

What a loving letter to a sweet, little boy who made all of us fall in love by just being him! It's hard to believe it's been only a year, feels like so much longer. :)