Friday, October 7, 2016 | By: Anita


It's that wonderful time of year again where many bloggers join the invitation to Blogtober ~ where one writes for 31 days straight for the month of October.
Maybe you’ve heard of it?  Maybe you’ve even done it before?

And again, I found myself thinking, that this year, I might join in on the 31 days.  But deciding to write for 31 days straight seems completely intimidating and exhausting. 

If you’re like me, you write two or maybe three times a week in a normal month.  I am not a quick thinker let alone writer… I like to think and let my blog posts percolate for a while, either in my head or at least in the queue. 

So how then would I be inspired to write each and every day?

I’ve been wavering back and forth about whether or not to join the 31 day series and since we're already one week into October, I think I'll pass. It's just not the right fit for me.  And I'm ok with that! 

Many others, I am sure, will join in and write for the 31 days, and it’s sure to be a joy-filled month reading what everybody else has written.  While admire their dedication to it… I simply cannot put that kind of stress on myself.

I kinda like doing my own thing anyway! 

Whether we write for 31 days in October or we continue on our own path, we can find joy in the day to day, or even week to week posts about our lives that we share…

How about you? Will you be joining the 31 Days?

Take Care