Friday, September 23, 2016 | By: Anita

Just a moment

It's been a couple of weeks since the new school year began, and while new beginnings can be fun.  They're also exciting. Wonderful. Overwhelming.  And a little bittersweet…

I find that it's at this time of year that I discipline myself to get my household back into more of a routine, with dinner time schedules, regular cleaning and everyday typical things...

Did you know that each day is filled with new opportunities, new interactions, and new decisions?  

Many things in our day to day life are completely out of our control, and the only thing we can actually control is our attitude. 

It’s not easy and often I get it wrong, but I know that it's my attitude that makes all the difference.  

I need this simple reminder often.

Whether you’re starting something new and exciting, or doing the same old thing you did yesterday, and the day before that, take a moment, and let’s choose to make this a great day, regardless of the circumstances.

It’ll be exciting, wonderful, overwhelming, and perhaps even a little bittersweet… 

Did you know that every single day is a day of new beginnings?

Take Care