Friday, February 19, 2016 | By: Anita


Sometimes life gets overwhelming. 

I have moments where it feels as though I am in a fog and my brain simply can't or won't compute anymore. The details are too much, the to-do lists are too long, the worry and stress and anxiety are all weighing too heavy. My breath quickens, my heart races, my mind is going a mile a minute but not landing anywhere concrete... 


It seems to be happening more often lately. 
Maybe I overwhelm easier these days.

When I start feeling overwhelmed, I look for opportunities to retreat… 

Sometimes when I'm overwhelmed, I plop on the couch, put in a season of Once Upon A Time on, and hit play. And then I watch the next episode. And then the next one. And the next one. 

Sometimes when I'm overwhelmed, I pour myself a glass {or two} of wine. 

Sometimes when I'm overwhelmed, I'll distract myself with fun errands {rather than the ones I should be doing}. 

Sometimes when I'm overwhelmed, I'll sit quietly and listen to K-love christian radio and allow the words to those songs to wash over me 

Sometimes when I'm overwhelmed, I'll crawl back into bed. 

And, apparently, sometimes when I'm overwhelmed... I write about it. 

What about you? What do you do when you're overwhelmed?

Take Care


Debra said...

Yikes. It must be an age thing I thought maybe it was just my mind going wacky. Nice to know I'm in good company. Hehe. But oh boy some days.... I find that I need to sit down take a breather and make a list. What needs to be done and what can wait. Once I mentally figure that out I'm able to carry on.

Becky said...

Remember there is always tomorrow to get done what does not get done today.
Check one thing off the to do list and move on to something more fun.
Housework will always be there, and laundry has no end.
Feel proud of your accomplishments

There is never enough time to take "me" time so indulge!
Take care of you

Anneliese said...

Have to laugh at that cartoon.
When I get overwhelmed I make a list. Somehow the list makes me focus on one thing at a time and the same things don't repeat themselves over and over in my mind... if that makes sense.