Friday, January 8, 2016 | By: Anita

Just One Word

2015, is over and we’re already a few days, I mean a week into 2016… . and that means it's time to reveal my one word for the new year! You probably have heard about the OneWord365 craze, as I am sure you’ve seen the term thrown around online. In fact, if you Google it, you’ll find that there are more than a few other websites that have joined in. 

For the past several years, it’s been trendy to choose one word for the year. But picking one word out of all of the glorious, interesting, provoking, meaningful, wondrous, and reflective words out there can be downright intimidating! 

I’ll admit, I had been struggling with choosing my word this year. A bit of self-imposed pressure to discern it, but it comes from a deep desire to know what God would have me focus on this year. 

And then, one of the blogs I follow came up with this idea. 

An UNword! 

To pick a word that we no longer want to be in our lives. A word that haunts us, or one that we simply want to be rid of for good. A word we want to {UN}do in our lives. Now there are a lot of words I could use to describe myself. And it doesn't take long for more than a few unattractive words to cross my mind in fairly rapid order. Believe me, I find it pretty easy to think of a word I do not want to be. There are more than a few personal qualities or attributes that trip me up, slow me down, and are more than a bit tiring. 

And for a few days, I confess, I had begun to think that maybe I would choose an UNword. To try and rid myself of of those characteristics that I don’t like, but I realized that it doesn’t matter what word I choose or where I start. God will use whatever I give Him to bring me to where He wants…
How about you?  One word? or an UNword? Which do you choose to be your guiding light for the year?

Take Care


Anneliese said...

I have not heard of the "unword" but whatever works to remind us of our goal is good. You are right, there are so many good words and it's almost easiest not to think about it too long and hard, but just to pick one and see what happens. My word for this year is "purpose" ... as in realizing God's purpose for me each day. I already know that I won't know what the purpose was for every mundane day, but I hope I can be more aware of looking for specific purpose, even just to encourage someone in some way.