Friday, January 22, 2016 | By: Anita

All That I Need

There is definitely no shortage of articles and blog posts on the topic of comparison. 

Just google the word and you will come up with hundreds, actually hundreds of thousands results. 

And yet… we all do it.  We compare ourselves to whatever else is out there.  We look at Facebook and Instagram and Pinterest and we compare their best to our worst ~ how fair is that? 

And then it starts… the wishing. 

We wish ~ 
our own lives were different
we had more/better education
a nicer/bigger home
were more talented
our husbands were more romantic
our children were more athletic
we could craft, write, decorate, garden, or play tennis… 

And with all that wishing, comes the dissatisfaction with who we are and the things we have in life. 
Instead of wishing our lives looked differently, let us; 


with who He made us to be, what we have or don’t, where we are and when, why He placed us here and how we are to accomplish His will… 

God has given us so many wonderful blessings! 

"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need." Psalm 23:1 {New Living Translation {NLT}} 

Take Care