Monday, September 14, 2015 | By: Anita


This past year, I have started journaling my own personal devotional time.
I don’t know about you, but more often than not, as I sit to be quiet with the Lord for my devotional time, my mind gets noisy. I begin to think about the things that are before me that day, and find that I am anxious to get started. As a result, I can find it difficult to focus.

Journaling my devotions helps to keep my mind focused. It also is a great way to record my spiritual journey.  Because I can look back through my devotional journal and be reminded of the highs and lows, the pains and joys, the failures and victories, the tears and laughter, the lessons learned ~ and then learned all over again.  In fact, throughout the day, I even find myself reaching for my journal and read what I had written earlier that day. And as I do, I am reminded, and again encouraged.

In this digital world, journaling seems… well, kinda slow.

Journaling is work. Without a doubt, it takes effort.  That doesn’t mean I always feel like journaling my devotions ~ but when I do, my heart is filled with awe and thanksgiving.

How about you? Do you journal your devotions?

I want to encourage you even if you are not the “journaling type” ~ just try it.  It will help you focus in the moment and perhaps help you to remember it better throughout the day.

Take Care


Anneliese said...

I have rows of journals that I think I should go through sometime ... possibly journalled through the Bible .. I need to check it out. It is so good, but it does take time as anything good does! Right now I'm just reading... like reading for pleasure. Maybe I should pull out my journals and read the notes of long ago that correspond with each chapter. We always think we have time one day...