Saturday, September 19, 2015 | By: Anita


Mornings these days are a little cooler and dusk is upon us before we're ready.

It’s coming!!!

I can feel it in the air.

AutumnIt is by far my most favourite season. The leaves with their gorgeous colours and how they fall and make way for new life. And Tim Horton’s with their Pumpkin Spice Tea! Why is it that you can only get certain drinks in certain seasons?

Oh and the time change! Here we “fall back” on November 1st, which means I get an extra hour of sleep that night. Huzzah!

Even though I’ve been feeling all sorts of exhaustion ~ mentally and physically, I want to look forward with anticipation to all that this new season will bring.
I’ve asked the Lord to give me glimpses of His beauty in the midst of my struggles. I don’t want to miss it. Let us remind ourselves of the hope that comes with the changing of the seasons.

What are you looking forward to the most about Autumn?

Take Care


krystle ann-marie said...

I also look forward to the changing seasons, and we've been blessed with a warm fall so far! It's so nice for walking and wearing comfy sweaters, drinking tea and eating crock pot meals. It also means that we are that much closer to baby! :)

Becky said...

Looking forward to fall camping!
Love this season, enjoy biking, hiking
And spending time in the cooler out doors


Anneliese said...

Ohhh... this is sooo easy! Looking forward to meeting with the whole family (even the ones from across the ocean) in October! Been looking forward to this for 10 months! =)