Wednesday, September 10, 2014 | By: Anita

With Intention

One thing I’ve been trying to do this year is be intentional with my life. By that I mean, I am intentionally making choices about who I spend my days with, what come out of my mouth, and especially what I do with my time.  There are only so many hours in the day. So how do we decide what to do with those hours? Or do we just let life happen to us?

Usually we think of a balanced life in terms of how much time we have {or don’t have} for fun, relaxation, or how we can juggle our to-do lists. But what if we thought of a balanced life in terms of how effective we are in serving God in all the ways He calls us? Are we putting “first things first” or are we doing life all backwards and then wondering why it feels out of balance?

“But, seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 {New International Version {NIV}}

How I organize my time or where I focus my attention definitely impacts whether I feel like my days were well-spent or if I was running too fast in the wrong direction. I can exhaust myself when I make choices that are inconsistent with God’s ultimate purpose.
There are a million things I could do with my time. I can let a day get away from me by simply letting life happen.  Yet my desire is to intentionally make choices in my life so I can avoid the unnecessary distractions that pull me away from what God has called me to.

How do you find a Godly balance in life?



Anneliese said...

The million dollar question! Yet my heart hears what you are saying . . .
focusing on what is important gets you farther. Even five minutes in His word is time that seems to double in time for what is important.