Thursday, September 11, 2014 | By: Anita


“Could you just not do it that way?” I blurted out.

I could blame it all on being tired, I guess. I’m an introvert, which means sometimes I run out of words completely. When I’m tired, even forming words into sentences seems like too much effort. Being kind and explaining my ideas gently is nearly impossible when I’m running low on energy.

He wanted me to make him a quick snack, but I was simply too tired to make it. And so he decided to make it for himself.

And that’s when I snapped at him.

Could you



Do it

That way.

So while I could blame it on being tired, really I was just angry.

And then I realized, just how selfish I was being. There isn’t one right way to do it…not really.  In fact, there isn't one right way to anything.

Why then, is it something we fight about? 

Seriously, we should be more understanding to each other and explain ourselves rather than presume to think that they know how we’d like it to be done. Developing a deeper/closer relationship is all about communication. 



Debra said...

Hehe I think I said almost the exact thing last night to my husband. Yup then realized I had to let it go because no one's going to know anyway that it wasn't done the "right" way but me. I tell you it's because I overthink things way to much.

krystle ann-marie said...

I think we've all been there. It's really easy to let our lips do the talking instead of our thoughts. James 1:19-20