Thursday, September 4, 2014 | By: Anita

Daily Routine

OK, it’s confession time!

I’m not a very good Christian.

I struggle to trust in God at times and frequently choose to go my own way, rather than patiently wait on God.

I often feel completely inadequate when it comes to sharing the Gospel with others. Because too often, I have doubts, and have more questions than I have answers.

I constantly allow busyness and distractions to crowd God out of my life.

Normally, I don’t play many games online, but am on the computer to read, write, watch movies and chat with my son and since I’m being honest here, I check in with the world via Facebook.

At the beginning of the year I set for myself 14 goals to achieve in 2014 one of which is to “Develop a better discipline in my life by spending time in God’s Word each day”.  And I’d been doing really good until about 8 weeks ago when we took a summer vacation and I got out of routine.

After we came home, I found it difficult to get back at it. And then one morning, as I sat the computer I went to a gaming site and started playing “Family Barn”. Each and every morning, I’d find myself sitting at the computer playing this stupid game for hours on end.

I felt horrible. Each morning as the game opened I realized that this was NOT a good use of my time and yet... there I sat. It’s easy to see how addictive these games can be, just one more life, just one more friend request, one more try. So I’ve deleted the link and pulled out my Bible and said a little prayer asking God to forgive me for choosing a game first. Our routines should include reading God’s Word and sharing it with friends or family, praying and developing a closer relationship with God.

We often hear or even say that we don’t have time to study the Bible, we don’t have time for God. Yet, millions of people are playing these games every single day, time that could be used to read a verse, or two verses or answer a few questions on what they have learned. But to say you don’t have time for God when you have time for games, stopping for a coffee, waiting in a drive- thru line, window shopping, watching t.v., online browsing etc., etc., etc., is a bold faced lie.  You mean, you don’t have fifteen minutes at any point in your day, even if its three five minute breaks to pull up scripture and read?

We need God.

We need to put God first.

If we don’t put God first we won’t have a relationship with God and if we don’t have a relationship with God then HOW is He supposed to be able to help us in our times of need?

So as I wake each day this had become my prayer, that before I sit at the computer and open up my email, play a game, check Facebook, write a blogpost, or get busy doing something else, that I pick up God’s Word and take the time to get to know Him. That I’ll seek Him throughout the day as other things come along.  As we make these activities a priority, we realize that we need them in order to have the peace, patience and enough for everything we do.

Whats your daily routine?



Becky said...

Thanks for sharing your challenging blog! Very thought provoking ...really making me think how I can make better use of my time...

It is all a matter of perspective
Blessings to you as you embark on this change in your routine
Look forward to reading how The Lord is making use of your time altercation...