Friday, November 1, 2013 | By: Anita

NO-spend November

The pantry door opens to shelves full of food, stuffed into every available spot and don’t even get me started on the freezer. Each Christmas, we receive and a full side of beef and ½ side of pork ~ giving us more than we can possibly eat in a year. And, sadly enough, I think to myself there is nothing to eat.

Well I had had enough.

So this November I am planning a NO Spend Pantry/Freezer Challenge.
Sorry, can't take any credit for this idea, I copied it from this blog.
The concept is simple: to use up the foods that we have already bought. Come on, let’s admit it, there’s that same can of soup that’s been sitting there for how long now and after defrosting the freezer, I found a bag of frozen veggies that was badly freezer burned.  Please tell me I am not the only one with crackers hiding in their pantry, going stale?
So it’s a time to start getting creative in the kitchen and use up what's in the pantry and/or freezer.
I invite you to just jump right in.

To clarify, I will buy fresh fruits & veggies and some dairy products throughout the month. And if I am being truthful we'll likely go out to dinner a couple times. I'll need to do a complete freezer and pantry inventory, since I have no idea what’s all in there. Yes, I admit, it’s sad. Once that’s done I’ll be able to plan my meals around the foods that are on hand and brainstorm some yummy meal ideas from what's on hand. Just like I tried to do here. My goal is to be as creative as I can with what I have, while teaching me not to be wasteful.

Will you join me?



Anneliese said...

That is a nice challenge! At first I thought it meant no spending at all... no Christmas shopping etc. Phew!