Sunday, November 10, 2013 | By: Anita


It’s been a week since we switched from Daylight saving time - that wonderful time of year when we gain an hour of light in the morning only to lose the light at night… and for a week I’ve been feeling quite grumpy.
Do you ever have those days weeks where nothing seems to be going right and no matter what happens, you feel cross? That whole week, I found myself going into ‘nitpicky’ mode over a few of the type A peeves of mine. It seems that there are several things that can put me in a sour mood for absolutely no reason and then it just snowballs from there.

I don’t know if it was because of the time change, hormones, or a bad mood, but whatever the reason, I just wasn’t at my best.

In my head I was thinking negative thoughts about how I do everything around the house {which isn’t at all true, but I thought it anyway} and all I wanted was my husband to appreciate all that I do for him, {which he does, but some days it doesn’t seem to count}. I spent several minutes dwelling on those thoughts and coming up with a plan to get a verbal “thank you” from my husband.

And right in the middle of that thought God reminded me of Colossians 3:23-24 {New International Version {NIV}}, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”


It took almost a minute for that verse to sink in…

The Lord sees what I do when no one is looking, but He also sees my heart while doing it.

My heart should sing praises to Him knowing that I am serving my family all for His glory… not for my own.



Becky said...

What an awesome reminder....THANKS! I needed that reminder today


krystle ann-marie said...

The devil can attack us in intellectual ways, sometimes so easily. Be aware and guard your mind! Be unified in Christ and draw on His strength. Pray for protection against Satan's schemes.