Saturday, July 27, 2013 | By: Anita

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night

The other day, I was making random searches in Youtube and I came across this:
and it brought back a myriad of memories.

Anyone else remember the all boy band “Bay City Rollers”?

As a young girl I was totally infatuated with this Scottish pop band.   I was fascinated with brothers Alan Longmuir {bass} and Derek Longmuir {drums}, Eric Faulkner & Stuart “Woody’ Wood {guitarists} and who out there didn’t have a major crush on the cute lead singer Les McKeown.

For my 10th or maybe it was my 11th birthday, I got one of their albums for my present.  The picture in my photo album is so blurry as I was jumping up and down with pure excitement.  I have many fond memories sitting in the playroom, listening to their music and trying to sing along with all my favourites.

“Keep on Dancing”, “Remember (Sha La La La)”, “Bye, Bye, Baby”, “Give a Little Love”, “S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y Night”, “Money Honey”, Rock n' Roll Love Letter”,  and when they would sing “I Only Want to Be with You”, I would sit and dream of a life as a rock stars wife. .. .. . . .. 

Sadly though, their popularity did not last and by the late 70’s their time in the teen idol spotlight was slowly slipping away.  Their albums soon were replaced with heavy metal as my taste in music changed.

How about you? What music brings back childhood memories for you?



krystle ann-marie said...

The boy bands of my day were Backstreet Boys, N'Sync & 98 Degrees. OH yeah that brings me back.

Becky said...

OH my this takes me back...were we ever that young and naive???

Good times to be memories!!!
