Friday, July 5, 2013 | By: Anita

Rain drops

Confession ~ I am not the most patient of people. 

Today, as the rain gently falls, again, I am reminded of a few lessons:

Lesson 1: After the rain, do not attempt to weed the garden as your boots can and most likely get stuck in the mud.
Lesson 2: Do not mow the lawn immediately following the rain as it leaves horrible large clumps of grass all over the yard.
Lesson 3: Do not leave clothes on the wash-line during the rain. Not only will they not dry, but they will get wrapped around the line making it quite difficult to remove.
Lesson 4: Do not ask your husband to get things done before the rain, cause he might get caught in it.
Lesson 5: Be Patient

Because even though I have a list of things that I'd like done outside, I need to wait until a) it either stops raining or b) it dries up enough from the rain.

I have a Type A personality, which Wikipedia describes as "Type A individuals can be described as impatient, excessively time-conscious, insecure about their status, highly competitive, over-ambitious, business-like, hostile, aggressive, incapable of relaxation in taking the smallest issues too seriously; and are somewhat disliked for the way that they're always rushing and demanding other people to serve to their standards of satisfaction.[1] They are often high and over-achieving workaholics who multi-task, drive themselves with deadlines, and are unhappy about the smallest of delays. Because of these characteristics, Type A individuals are often described as "stress junkies."

ouch, that was a little harsh, and unfortunately true!

It's a little easier to understand then why rainy days are frustrating for me. I have my lists of things to do and a timeline to have them done and the weather is totally not following those plans.

Lesson 5 is probably the most important one and I figure I better learn it quick, cause I am not enjoying all the opportunities presented to me to learn it.

Rain drops keep falling on my head.....



Anneliese said...

I have to smile here..."Lord, help me be patient, and do it soon."