Saturday, March 3, 2012 | By: Anita

Friday fun night

When our family was younger and still all lived at home we established a family Friday night of fun. We’d have pizza for supper, play games, watch movies, basically spending time together and having loads of fun. With all our kids grown and living out on their own, our Friday nights have become pretty quiet. {sigh} I miss those times. It’s funny how you don’t really appreciate something until you no longer have it. But that’s not the point of this post - see how easily I can get sidetracked.

When my sister invited us to spend the evening with her and her husband. I was pretty excited. I haven’t seen her since my Dad’s b-day surprise. So after a super yum supper at Beartozzi’s (new restaurant in Milverton) we headed back to their place for visiting and games.

I thoroughly enjoyed our time together and realized through our conversations that we (Wayne & I) don’t really have couple friends. In fact we don’t “do” a lot with anybody. However as Becky was talking about how they do this with that couple, do that with this couple, and other things with other couples. I found that, all I could think about is why we (W&I) don’t. Is it a bad thing? Is there something wrong with us? Don’t people like us?

On the drive home I thought even more about this, and then it came to me. I am not the social butterfly that my sister is. In fact, I am far more introverted and don’t cope well with such a busy social calendar. And then I realised that I need to learn to accept myself with the way I was created. I need to stop being so hard on myself! And to stop comparing myself to others. I was created with a unique set of talents, gifts, and abilities that no one else has. I need to stop pretending that I am something I am not. I need to remind myself that everyone has positives and negatives qualities. And to be patient with myself as God is not finished with me yet! Yeah, I know easier said than done, but something to strive for.

Just imagine what life would be like if you could just be yourself, without thinking twice about what other people think of you.

Thanks bliss, for the wonderful evening and the reminder to Blessings


Becky said...

It was a WONDERFUL night...and even though you are my sister I consider you one of my closest any time you want "friends " to hang out with and play games with ( eat pizza too) know that I am just a call away...hope we can do this again soon. Because YES I am a social butterfly....


krystle ann-marie said...

It's a lot harder to maintain all those friendships. Trust me, it feels like you never have enough time for everyone. And it makes every weekend book up pretty fast. We are getting better at setting aside weekends to do nothing and plan nothing. Which is hard for me- the social butterfly! :)