Tuesday, March 6, 2012 | By: Anita

bEing rEal

Over this past winter and even presently I'm learning the importance of being a genuine/honest person. I've also been learning how hard that can be especially in the world we live in today. Have you ever noticed that we live in a fairly robotic world? Let's look at something that most of us experience on a day to day basis...
{you} ~ "Hey, how are you?"
{me} ~ "Good! How are you?"
{you} ~ "Good."
{we then go our separate ways}
Have you ever thought about how strange that "conversation" is? I am so incredibly guilty of this - asking people how they are without even having the slightest care about how they are actually doing. That's just one example of being fake.

There are many others like:
***Flattering others with compliments in order to gain their approval or favour.
***Claiming to be all together and happy when really you are broken inside and too proud to admit it.
***Putting on the "Christian spiritualness" mask just to cover up your sin and struggles.
***Being a carbon copy of someone else that you think has got it all figured out.

Hey, we all do it. Including myself. But why do we do this? We so desperately crave the approval of others that we will go to any means to attain it - even if it means not being true to who we are.

The truth is... are you ready for this? We're not perfect! We have problems. We have struggles. We have bad days, bad weeks and heck even some of us have bad years. The problem is, we go about life, tiptoeing around everyone else, trying to make sure they don't find out we're not perfect.

There's a few things I need to remind myself of: stop putting on a front, stop trying to be like someone else and

Stop being a robot and just be real.
