Sunday, December 11, 2011 | By: Anita

No need to panic

With Christmas only two weeks away, to say that I am a little excited is an understatement. There was a time though at this point in the Christmas season that panic would start to set in. You see I don't have the presents all purchased, the baking isn't finished and I haven't even started to compile let alone buy the list of ingredients for our family Christmas dinner.

Now I hear you saying, ach Anita, there is still two weeks till Christmas, but you see my dear my friends I used to panic if I didn't have my Christmas check-list complete by now.

Either I've become more relaxed in my old age or I've learned there's no point to panicking cause when I think about it, there is still two weeks until Christmas. Besides that, Christmas according to my wise husband will still come whether I am ready for it or not. {he's such smart a**}



krystle ann-marie said...

:) Looking forward to our family Christmas in 5 more days! :)