Saturday, May 21, 2011 | By: Anita

Wet Paint!

With the beautiful summer-like (finally) weather, I was excited to get outside and start setting up the yard. I brought out the BBQ, the patio furniture set, the hammock, and then the white plastic lawn furniture. ugh! This old furniture has seen better days. It wasn't broken so I was having difficulty with just throwing it away, and yet, it was too unappealing to set it out.

Then I remembered we had a can of tremclad paint, and thought I'll try painting the furniture. I figured if I don't like it afterwards, I can still throw it away. But wow'zer's - what a difference one can of paint and countless hours of painting can make. It transformed the ugly old white lawn furniture into beautiful new blue lawn furniture. It adds a splash of colour to the front porch. I'm looking forward to many afternoons sitting on the front porch watching the incredible sunsets.



Becky said...

WOW that looks AMAZING!!! who would have thought you could transform yucky lawn furniture...just goes to show hard work really does pay off...enjoy those sunsets although I am sure you will see more of them from the hot tub than the porch..LOL


tomandlynette said...

We might need to come over and test them out sometime! Hopefully the hot sunshiney weather will be back soon. Love from all of us.

krystle ann-marie said...

Fun! I was wondering how they would turn out. You should have done before pictures!