Monday, May 9, 2011 | By: Anita

the beginning of a very long week

Originally this title was going to be called "at the end of a very long week"; and I was going to post it on Saturday. I had started work over at Huron Ridge Acres, while still putting my regular time in at the office. This makes my work week around the 45 hour mark. Needless to say I was very tired and just a wee bit sore on Friday night. Since I like to use either a picture or a video to go with my post, I had remembered this song by Carolyn Dawn Johnson and thought I'd wait until today and use the this title for this post. Mostly it's these two lines "I know I should get some sleep I'm at the beginnin' of another long week" from the chorus that were stuck in my head.

Little did I know .. ... .. . {sigh} that on Saturday at 7:15 am, I would receive a call informing me that my husbands younger brother Paul had suddenly passed away.

It's funny how our brains process information. My initial response was WHAT!!? what??!.......... then the tougher thing was to tell my husband. Men must take a course before marriage called "Understanding Hysterical Wife 101.... because I have no idea how through the heart-wrenching sobs, the incoherent words that were coming out of my mouth that he was able to understand what was being said.

Since we lived next door it seemed natural that our home would become like grand central station once our extended family, community and church family heard the news. So many wonderful people came with their sympathies and soon the food was pouring in. After two days of hosting family and planning the funeral service, to say I am exhausted is an understatement. It's unbelievable that grieving can take that much out of you.

As I write this post I listened to the song previously mentioned and as I focused on the chorus:
I know I should get some sleep
I'm at the beginnin' of another long week
But I don't want you to go
No I don't want you to go
I guess another minute wouldn't do no harm
Why not spend it in each other's arms
Cause I don't want you to go
No I don't want you to go
I didn't realize just how fitting this song is.

Please pray for us and our family as we journey through this difficult time.



tomandlynette said...

We're thinking of your family constantly. We have some hugs waiting for you when we see you next. We love you.

Becky said...

Just remember to take things one day at a will have strength for what needs to be done each day...

Thinking of you and praying for you


creating said...

Yes my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Anneliese said...

I'm sorry for your loss. May God give you comfort and strength and continue to show His love to you in many ways.

Anneliese said...

I know that blogger had issues.. so I guess my commetn got lost in the shuffle yesterday. I just wanted to wish you God's comfort and peace during this difficult time.

krystle ann-marie said...

Thanks for everything, Mom. Your house certainly was a safe haven for me. :) I love you.