Monday, May 24, 2010 | By: Anita

Holiday Weekend

Growing up I have fond memories of the long holiday weekend in May. We used to spend the whole weekend (because it was such a long drive) up at Uncle Dave's and Auntie Carol's. My dad would busy himself with working out in the greenhouse and my mom would be in the house cleaning, cooking and of course making homemade donuts.. mhhmmm YUM! Us kids, would be be busy too, out in the barn playing, hiding in the tree house, listening to music in the playhouse or hanging out in the basement. It never really mattered what we did, just being together made it memorable.

After getting married the holiday weekends gave my Mom & Dad a different opportunity. Rather that work over at the greenhouses they would faithfully come to our farm: where the work it seemed never ended. Dad would help Wayne and Mom would be busier than ever giving me the much needed help with housework, yardwork, gardening and of course helping to care for her grandchildren.

While a long holiday weekend is not as relaxing as it was when I was a kid, I still enjoy getting that extra day to get caught up with all the 'chores' that a farm requires.



Becky said...

Holiday weekends are definitly memory making opportunities,
now with my own family it is usually spent camping we had a GREAT weekend in Elora who says you need to go so far from home to have a great time?
