Sunday, May 2, 2010 | By: Anita

Greenhouse GURU

Today, I started my second job. For the month of May I'll be over at the green house busy ~ planting, cleaning, and thoroughly enjoying the beauty of the spring season. I must admit though that I find it a little daunting that once I put on the Huron Ridge Acres t-shirt, I transform into (according to some customers) a greenhouse guru. {smirk} describes guru as any person who counsels or advises; a mentor; a leader in a particular field.

It's easy for me to decide what I like and what I would plant together, but for others it makes the task a little more daunting, especially if pansies are involved. I have this unrealistic fear of them, bizarre? I know, I think it stems (pun intended) from the movie Alice in Wonderland. >.< With this being my third year at the greenhouse I have become more confident with the knowledge I've learned from Carol... the true greenhouse guru.

Can it really be work when you love it so much?



Anonymous said...

You can learn a lot of things from the flowers!!

Anonymous said...

i looooooooooooooooooove pansies. i can't wait to plant them all of our gardens and flower boxes. ;)

Catherine said...

I had to comment because the book club I'm is readig "Alice and Wonderland" right now. Made me laugh when I saw the picture.

Becky said...

Well when you enjoy what you do the job is so much easier...

Try not to over due things (thus the not resting thing)
