Wednesday, May 12, 2010 | By: Anita


Krystle decided it was time to de-clutter the front of the fridge: she said that if I could name 10 things on the fridge I could keep them. I think I shocked her when I listed almost everything on the fridge. >.<

After it was cleaned, we were trying to agree what to put back on, Krystle thought that only 10 things should go back on: however, I kind of like the clean look. Next on the de-clutter list: the desk, the cupboards, the drawers, the cabinets, the closets.......

So much to do, so little time!

With this wedding coming quickly, we have had to do alot of clean-up around the farm. Not only the outside like the t.v. tower, flowerbeds and such, but also on the inside. The re-decorating that we've done so far has been extremely helpful. As we empty each room to paint or whatever, I've had to decide what to keep and what to be rid of. It's been hard, I would have never realized how attached I was to stuff.

After cleaning, Krys & I sat and enjoyed a cup of tea, she reminded me that it's only stuff and if the house was on fire what would I really want to take with me. To which I replied that when the barn was on fire and we were minutes away from losing the house I got the most important "stuff" - my kids out.



Becky said...

it is always a good idea to de-clutter peroidically, it is fun to be able to go through stuff and ask why exactly you are keeping it,
helps you to realize what is really important

have fun as you continue in your clean up and clean out mode


Anonymous said...

declutter? or unclutter? hmmm. i like the makeover, personally.

creating said...

You gals inspired me to declutter (my computer does not like the word declutter) my fridge as well. However i could not go totally naked. Few things left, maybe someday:)

Catherine said...

I DECLARE the kitchen fridge clean! Glad to see you DECLARED another thing. Thanks for an awesome weekend time, enjoyed feeling a part of the family.

I'll try to behave myself next time ;) or not! muah ha ha