Tuesday, March 28, 2017 | By: Anita

Just be...

Living with a chronic illness, where each day is a battle, can really start to wear on a person. It’s easy to be a person on the outside, making assumptions. I get it. I’ve been there... still am to some extent. We see what’s in front of us and make our judgments. However, in doing so, we fail to grasp the full picture.
My type A personality keeps me on my toes as I am constantly trying to “fix” myself or whatever is causing my struggles. I have an extensive list of dietary restrictions, supplements and prescription medicines that are “supposed” to help, detox methods, rest, exercise, prayer, use of essential oils, and so much more “helpful” advice that has me pulling my already falling out hair, out…

This winter has left me exhausted, struggling with crushing fatigue, debilitating pain and discouragement. I feel drained and overwhelmed. So many things have been left undone. 

However, I feel like God has been teaching me over and over about surrendering and resting in Him instead of racing to keep things afloat.

I’m at the place where I am worn down and need some serious rest. 

Because I’ve felt so terrible over the past several weeks, I’ve been reflecting on what I actually need in order to live better. What I’ve learned learning is that the most crucial thing for me right now is to give myself grace.

I need to slow down, even more than I already have and be, just be...

Take Care