Wednesday, March 15, 2017 | By: Anita

Is this allowed?

I’m sure this isn’t something I’m supposed to admit.  At least not out loud.  And definitely not write it… I’m sure some would even consider it sacrilegious or something. But nonetheless, it’s true.

I hate the Proverbs 31 woman. Well hate could be too strong a word… intensely dislike. Because seriously. What’s to like?

She wakes up early. Every. Single. Day.

She makes things from scratch clothes, bedding, meals, everything.

She gardens and farms and seems to rather enjoy getting dirt under her fingernails.

She’s a successful businesswoman, wife, mother, and leader.

She despises idleness (which, I’d imagine, includes sitting in her chair reading).

She’s wise and tactful. Always.

She makes all the crafts on Pinterest and she makes them well. 

She exercises daily. 

She wields her smartphone calendar with precision, never forgetting an important appointment and we can be sure she’s never late.  

She has all the blanks of her Bible study workbook filled in. 

She’s always nice, always ready to listen, always ready to open her home. 

She has her hair perfectly done and never-ever runs her errands in yoga-pants.

Ugh!  The woman in that chapter…she’s like an ever-smiling Superwoman.   How can I possibly live up to this impossible standard? 

I know that this chapter of Scripture is supposed to be encouraging, it’s supposed to teach me something. 

It isn’t about throwing the perfect party with the perfect food with the perfect decorations with the perfectly clean house with the perfectly managed money with the perfect skin and the perfect hair and the perfect outfit.  
It’s about women who live life, fully reliant upon the Lord.  

So let’s stop beating ourselves up because we’re not THE Proverbs 31 woman, but let’s be A Proverbs 31 woman who chooses to completely “Trust in the Lord with all her heart and lean not on her own understanding”. Proverbs 3:5 {New International Version {NIV}

Take Care


Debra said...

I like Proverbs 31, always have but not as a I have to be this amazing do everything woman but as a guideline. In today's society woman still get looked down upon as second rate. This is God clearly telling us that's not the case. This woman is an equal partner to her husaband, making her own decisions about what she does and doesn't do with her own life. Her husband is proud of her for having a back bone and doing exactly what she wants to do. I don't think these vs. were ever meant to be a standard we women need to strive for just clarification that there is no such thing as a weaker sex.

Anita said...

Wise words my friend! Thank you for your insight.

krystle ann-marie said...

I don't think being a Proverbs 31 woman is about being “perfect.” It’s about living life with purpose, diligence, forgiveness, and repentance. Being a virtuous woman, but not about doing those exact, specific things each and every day.