Friday, January 6, 2017 | By: Anita


Over the past several years, I’ve chosen one word to live my year by and each year, I’m struck by the effect those words have had, each somehow building on the one(s) before it. 

And as each year segued into the next, I soon learned that after striving to be more honest {2012}, I became more authentic {2013} with my life, which gave me a better understanding of being intentional {2014}. I found that when I was more intentional about what I did and who I spent my time with I soon realized what was important, causing me to be thankful {2015}, for the many blessings that I have, helping me to recognize that I can be content {2016} with what I have, and where I am. 

It kind of boggles my mind how that worked...

And here we are again, in the beginning few days of a brand new year.  Many of the bloggers that I follow have been sharing their plans and dreams for the new year.  I’ve been reading post after post and have been inspired, intrigued, and occasionally fascinated by their carefully selected One Word.


But sadly, I don’t have a One Word for this year.  {le sigh}

So then I thought maybe it’s time to do, “The UNword”.  Perhaps that would work better. “An UNword ~ is a word that you are rejecting for the new year. You would like to Un-Do it. Declaring a word that we ARE NOT.”

But it seems to me that the Un-word is just a different angle of the One Word. Instead of focusing on what you wish to lean into, you’re focusing on that which you wish to avoid.  And while both sound like good practices to me, I’m actually leaning towards no word.  

Choosing my word for 2017 hasn't become clear to me … and yet, somehow, I'm ok with that.

Take Care


Debra said...

Sounds like your being optimistic at all the possibilities this year will bring. :)