Monday, January 2, 2017 | By: Anita

Day Two

Here we are, on this second day, of the New Year and it’s got me thinking about what I’m going to do with it.

I want to handle this 2017 year as best as I possibly can. And then I want to take care of every day that follows it equally as well…

Every single day is a gift. {even Mondays}

And I know that yesterday was no more special than today is or than tomorrow will be. But still, these first few days of the New Year seem to mess with me a little more than say the dog days of summer….. {ah summer! ~ only 171 more days}

As we flip our calendar pages to a fresh New Year, we can look ahead to all those empty calendar boxes and be tempted to plan out our days, weeks, months, scheduling ourselves full with appointments, events, holidays, celebrations, adventures and end up missing the opportunities that God has in store for us. 

Each new day is a chance for a fresh start ~ these however oh-so-many breaths, these fleeting moments ~ are once in a lifetime. Every moment. Once in a lifetime, never to be repeated. And I don’t want to be so busy that I miss them. 
There is a whole new year ahead, brimming with so many possibilities and what God has planned {Jeremiah 29:11} for me!

I’m looking forward to 2017, are you?

Take Care