Wednesday, June 22, 2016 | By: Anita


We each have the same amount of time in a day, in a month, in a year. 

And we all know how fast it slips by! 

How do you spend your time? 

We meet up with friends and the age-old question is “What’s new?”  

I go through potential responses in my head.  

No career switches, church moves, or recent travels. Same house, same spouse. My life is pretty much the same each and everyday. Just plodding along through the mundane, regular routine. 

Nothing new, yet time keeps moving on. The days move forward, and yet for many of us it feels like we are staying in the same place. 

It feels so normal, so small, so ordinary.  I tend to resent these patterns of same old same old. Sometimes my heart longs for a lifetime of mountain top experiences, but instead I find myself living in the valley of daily life. 

But it’s here, in the daily grind, where life happens. While nothing is new, that doesn’t undo the good that is happening. 

God has placed us here to make a difference in this time and in this place. He has a plan and purpose for each of us. And maybe it is precisely here that God has His greatest work in store for me. 

Let’s take a hard look at how we’re spending it… 

and spend it wisely... 

every moment of every day.

Take Care


Debra said...

It's like a person who's lost 50 pounds. If you've seen that person everyday you may not notice it but if you haven't then that's a big change. Everyday something changes, something is new but because we see it all the time we think of it as mundane. Record even the smallest new thing and you might be surprised just how unmundane life can be. Maybe not climbing mountains exciting but still exciting. Kind of like get roses for no reason exciting( which would have been the same exciting as mountain climbing in my books). 😀