Tuesday, May 31, 2016 | By: Anita

To Do or To Be

It is very easy sometimes to look at someone else’s life and wonder how they do it all. I mean I get overwhelmed just thinking about all they do, let alone actually doing it. And then I compare myself and struggle with the limits that I have.

Lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed. 

With taking care of the house, the laundry, {even though there is just the two of us}, going grocery shopping, doing the dishes, {those somehow keep adding up} walking the dog, making meals, and getting a good night’s sleep {what’s that??}, is a lot on one’s plate. Can’t imagine how I would manage a job in there! 

Plus we like to add in date nights, spending time with our grandson, completing the yard work {which never ends}, spending time with God, finding time to write, and squeezing in time for oneself… it all adds up to be something nearly impossible. 

And I think to myself, “I simply can’t do it all!!” 

Since I am a list-maker. It helps me to write a list. But when I have too many items on my to-do list, I get more focused trying to accomplish the “to dos” that I forget to make time in my day to listen for God’s agenda.
Sometimes things don’t make sense to us, but I’ve come to realize that we all have our own journey {Jeremiah 29:11}, and God laid it out before the foundations of the earth were established.  Before we were formed in our mother’s womb He knew us: our strengths, our weaknesses, and our purpose.  {Psalm 139:13

While it may not make sense to pause and rest when feeling overwhelmed, sometimes that’s the only answer. When we stop and come to Him, He will give us rest.  True rest.  {Matthew 11:28-30 

Now and then we just need to be, not do. And that`s ok!

Take Care