Saturday, May 28, 2016 | By: Anita

Staying Silent

Can I be honest with you? 

I’m not the best at dealing with difficult people. When someone is curt or snappy, I tend to get a little defensive. 

Ok, a lot defensive. 

Depending on the situation, I usually leave aggravated or upset or both. And while I don’t love being in these situations, sadly it’s just a part of life. 

Recently I had to “deal” with someone, who can be a little rough around the edges. This person is valuable to me, has a wonderful heart, but honestly ~ can be difficult at times. And too often, I am at a loss as to how to handle it. 

Do I call them on it? Ignore it? What?!?!. 

Deep down, I really wanted to say some not so nice, okay nasty things, but I wondered, How can I handle this difficult person with care? because I don’t want to cause damage to our relationship. 

Remember the cliche “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”? 

After a few days, I realized that sometimes these people/situations are in our lives to teach us to be more like Christ. 
It’s not always easy, but as we grow closer to God and doing what we're called to do, we will experience the biggest blessings and hopefully make a difference in the lives of those we meet.

Take Care