Monday, May 9, 2016 | By: Anita


Every day is full of decisions.

It begins with: 

Do I get out of bed or hit snooze again? Is it a jean or yoga pants kinda day? Do I walk the dog or let her wander in the yard while I stand inside and sip my tea? 

These decisions are pretty uneventful and don’t hold a lot of weighty responsibility or consequences. 

Have you ever wondered how your life would have turned out had you taken a different path? Maybe chosen a different profession?  Waited to get married? Decided to have more children, or maybe less? Followed your dream?

If there was one thing, or situation, or moment from your past you could do over, what would it be?  Oh goodness! I have so many. 

But a few are… 

Making a better choice at a party in high school. 
Not saying the words, “I hate you” to my mother when I was a teenager. 
Having more patience with my young children. 

We are each given a certain amount of time here on earth and every day we get to decide how we are going to spend those minutes and hours. There are no do-overs, no second-chances to get it right. We cannot turn back the clock, but we can choose differently with the life God has given us today. 

When I stop and think of the roads I have taken, I feel guilt, shame, embarrassment, heartache, sadness, and remorse, and yet, I believe good can come from our mistakes too. 

We have all kinds of choices before us.  And we make the best choices with the information that we have available to us... so as each new day comes, let’s seek God and make the very best choice with His help that we can. 

Take Care


Debra said...

Just spent my lunch catching up with you reading thru all the posts I've missed. It's been busy around here with springtime stuff( which is one of my favs btw) and today made the decision to just sit and eat lunch instead of grabbing bites here and there. It's been lovely spending time with you.😘