Monday, May 16, 2016 | By: Anita

Our Words Matter

I love words. 



Even invented words like this;
Of course, if you’ve been around here very long, you’ve probably noticed that. I also have a lot of words. You might have noticed that too…ahem

And since I put a lot of stock in words, I also expect people to keep their word. We need to choose our words carefully.  When you agree to keep something confidential, you do. When you say you will do something, you do it. When you make a promise, you keep it. 

As a woman of words, I also want to be a woman of my word. I want to be a person whose word you can depend on. I want to say what is true... and do it with love... and honour God by honouring my word. 

So if when I slip up. As I am sure I have and I will again. Please, tell me... lovingly, gently, because I want to know... because our words and our word matters.

Take Care


Anneliese said...

Can you even imagine life without words? I often wonder what babies think
before they have words to express themselves.