Friday, July 10, 2015 | By: Anita

i ♥ blogging

i’ve been blogging for some time now.  when a friend of mine first suggested i start something like this ~ i simply had no idea what i was doing, and no idea the difference that that one little choice would make.

and yet, it’s probably one of the decisions that has made the largest impact on my life.  i wasn’t an early adopter because, well, i’m just not. but i’ve been loyal. i am loyal. i don’t see myself giving up blogging anytime soon.
at the beginning of the year, a lot of bloggers that i follow, were writing about wanting to take their blog to the next level. i read them with interest and, you know, i’m never really going to be a serious blog-strategizer. not in any serious sense of the word.

when it comes to writing and blogging, ♪♫ i’ll do it my way ♪♫♫. because you see, i started this as something to give me joy, and that’s how i want to keep it.   sure i like it when i see comments on my blog, but that’s not what it’s really all about.

writing continues to be a outlet for me in many ways. i’ve always found it easier to express my feelings more so through writing than speaking to others in person.

i think that writing on my blog is one of the most joyful things i do!

what brings you joy?

take care


Anneliese said...

I'm with you on the great outlet writing gives us. I also find it easier to express myself in writing than speaking in person. Maybe because we can retract, go back, re-word ... to say what we really want to say. I love the rare occasion when I get teared up as I write, because then I know that my heart is speaking. And it's all good.