Sunday, June 28, 2015 | By: Anita


They’ve been keeping a secret.
One they shared with us several months ago, and now it has made it onto the blog world

My eyes filled with tears the first time I saw the ultrasound picture of our grand baby when it arrived in my inbox. It was intense.  I am very eager to see our daughter and son-in-law become the fabulous parents that I know they’ll be.

Dear Baby Z, 

We love you already. All you ever needed to do to capture our hearts forever was show up. 

You know what that means?

No matter what, we’re in your corner forever and ever. We’ll be your biggest fans, loudest cheerleaders, loving truth-tellers, and steady hand-holders. We’ll be your shoulder to cry on, a refuge when you need one, and your car-dancing partners for life. 

We will stand with you, walk with you, hope with you, and laugh with you {and, let's be honest, sometimes ‘at’ you... but we give you permission to laugh at us too}. We'll shoot straight with you, even when the truth hurts, and we won’t pretend to have the answers when we don’t. 

We will learn far more from you than you likely will ever learn from us, and we’re okay with that. 

We’ll celebrate with you your successes and victories; we’ll sit in the heavy silence with you when life is hard and things don’t make sense; and for all the days in between ~ monumental and mundane ~ we’ll just be a constant presence, reminding you that you are never alone and you are loved.

All you had to do was show up. 

Down side? You’re stuck with us. 

Up side? You are already loved far more than you will ever know.

Love Gigi & Pops

It’s going to be a great day in November when we get snuggle this little person in our arms.

Take Care


Anneliese said...

Ohhh!! Congratulations! I love you letter to your unborn grand!
Very sweet!

krystle ann-marie said...

That's super sweet, Mom. Thanks for sharing such a lovely letter. This baby is already loved so much more than he/she knows! :)

Debra said...

I always find it amazing how much you can love someone you haven't even met yet. By the way that feeling you have now is magnified by the thousands even millions when you hold them for the first time. But I'm sure you already know this. :)