Monday, June 8, 2015 | By: Anita

Porch sitting

I sit on my porch and my mind wanders. Situations play out in movie-like quality, conversations, interactions, moments in life. What I would say if “this” happened or what I would do if “that” happened. Maybe it’s my over-active imagination, or the fact that I read to much, but it happens all the time. Taking my thoughts to a place…  they’re not bad thoughts, they’re just… a lot.

I watch the birds flit around dancing through the air.  The trees sway in the wind their branches whispering to me. And it seems they are speaking to the stream of thoughts running endlessly through my mind.

It’s hard for me to sit still when there is so much more to be doing.

“There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens. 
Ecclesiastes 3:1
{New International Version {NIV}}

It implies waiting and patience. It doesn’t fit in our fast-paced, get-it-done, make-every-second count world. But as I stare at the trees I’m reminded of how we’re created to live. We need silence and stillness because it’s in those moments that growth happens.

God isn’t in a hurry. He never runs out of time because He has eternity. The expectations I place on myself are more mine than His.

I seem to hear another whisper as I sit on the porch. This time it comes not from the branches of the trees but from within my heart. The One who loves me whispers “Shhh, shhh.” 
It sounds like an invitation. And this time I listen, embracing the new stillness in and around me.

There will be time tomorrow, or the next day…whenever the season is right.

Take Care


Becky said...

A good reminder. A good read. Thanks for reminding me to take time to just sit and be still
Thinking of you as you continue to adjust to this new chapter in your life
