Wednesday, November 19, 2014 | By: Anita

Morning Blessings

The sun is just rising on the morning of another day.

I admit it...I am so NOT a morning person. With the days getting shorter, it's even harder for me to pull myself out of bed. My hubby on the other hand... he wakes up with a song on his heart and can be heard humming even before the lights are turned on.

BUT...when I do manage to rise before the sun, I find great delight in watching it rise and stand in awe of the One who made it all. That always helps to put an end to my morning grumpies.  As I  watch the sun rise a song begins forming on my heart... the sun comes up its a new day dawning... it's time to sing your song again. I also find myself thinking of this verse; “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 {New International Version {NIV}}

I may not always be a morning person...but God is. He gives each new day as a fresh start ~ new mercies are waiting for us with each sunrise. How awesome is that!

I’ve found that when I spend time first thing in the morning in the WORD, my day just goes better. I‘m also more apt to get in my daily exercise if I do it in the morning. It just works best for me and I am usually more motivated. It takes discipline to stick to this schedule and I’ve had to repeatedly remind myself to not sit at the computer and check the world through Facebook or e-mail, before I’ve checked in with God.

But here’s the thing even if when I stumble, I don’t have to wait until a new month or new year, today is a fresh new start… letting each new day dawn with great expectation.

Let's look for 10,000 reasons for our heart to sing!



krystle ann-marie said...

Wow, I wonder who I get that from. :) I'm the exact same way, especially on winter mornings. At least the sun is shining on this one!

Anneliese said...

Such a great and encouraging post from one "not morning person to another"!
Thank you!