Friday, June 6, 2014 | By: Anita


It’s a journey really...this business of writing. For me, it started out as a way to help me process everything that continually runs through my mind {and I only share a portion of it} and perhaps to take me a little more out of my comfort zone. Writing for me has become a great stress reliever. It helps me think things through better and give a clearer perspective. I think I’ve always loved to write.

These days though, my thoughts are scattered all over the place and I've several post ideas floating around. And it’s good for me to write them down {as scattered as they are} rather than trying to keep everything filed in my head. That way I can work on several posts and can always go back at a later date ~ add more to it {if needed}, refine it to get it ready to be published, or simply delete it. Blogging is a great outlet for my thoughts, ideas and creativity.


have you ever sat down in front of the keyboard, and couldn’t seem to string a coherent sentence together to save your life? Or worse, you kept starting only to get a paragraph into things, and hate what you’d written so you simply highlighted the entire batch of words and hit the delete key?

Sometimes you run out of words.

As someone who likes to write, it is somewhat paralyzing to me when I think I have nothing to write. You always want to have something to say. But what happens when you run out of words? What happens when you reach with all of your might to find your voice? What happens when the words simply don’t come, and the voice is mute?

Life feels REALLY HARD right now, feeling completely lacking in resources, energy, or even perspective?

It’s not the end of the world, and I know that. 

These past few days weeks I seem to be sinking… life gets on top of me and I feel like it’s all too much. Times when I wonder where to get the strength from.

How to keep going?
What the future holds?!?

And then I remember…

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” {New International Version {NIV}}
