Friday, June 20, 2014 | By: Anita


wowzer's, today is my 1105th blog entry.

1105!!! who would have thought…

it was in 2007, when a dear friend suggested that i start to blog, and immediately two different thoughts went through my head.

one; what will i blog about?

two; who will read it?

number one obviously hasn't been too much of problem seeing as how i am at my 1105th post; and number two, i've learned over that past few years, that yes, while i like to have people read & comment on my blog, i don't do it for that reason. i do it because i need to get my thoughts, ideas, hopes, plans & dreams out of my head and on to paper, where it's concrete.

who would have thought that i would have posted this many entries. certainly not me that’s for sure. i never realized how therapeutic it is for me to write.

i think it is important to write out our thoughts, ideas, and feelings ~ it can be a gentle reminder to us of exactly where we are at in our day to day life. it can give us an opportunity recall times of laughter, be encouraged by God's faithfulness in difficult situations and feel a sense of comfort. we can revisit the joys and even the struggles in our lives and be reminded to simply take one day at a time.

when i first started to journal i would write like i had a teacher reading it over my shoulder, constantly editing the grammar, spelling and sentence structure. i would write as if it was going to read by someone else. yes i was writing, but it just wasn’t honest writing, over the years and after a few journaling classes i have learned to write without editing and to be honest, because healing can only come if we’re honest.

i never dreamed blogging would come to mean so much to me. it has caused me to read more, think deeper, and sit in awe of who my God truly is and all that He does in my life.

my blog has become one of my favourite reads… and perhaps one of my greatest teachers.
thank you to all those read, follow and comment on my blog, your words of encouragement and thoughtful comments encourage me to continue. i appreciate the interest taken in my life and thoughts. it’s something i really enjoy doing.

so faithful readers, i invite you to continue following me as i continue to blog and see where it takes us…



Becky said...

I always enjoy reading your blogs...who knows maybe one day I will start one, I like to see the happenings in other peoples lives...the feel good times and not so good is nice to read the challenges and inspirations

Thanks for sharing

Debra said...
