Tuesday, September 24, 2013 | By: Anita


I often ask myself how and why I can feel so alone in a crowded room. There is an ache deep in my heart to belong. I’ve always felt like I am a bit different ... I have an intense desire to be a part of… something.

Lonely for me comes from a place deep down in my own heart. Not being enough has sort of been a faithful companion in life… always there, reminding me of ways I didn’t fit in or belong.

It’s in that place where the lies tell me,
“you’re not good enough”

“you don’t belong”
“you will never measure up”
“you don’t fit in”.

At times, these lies surface and I run to the nearest dark and lonely corner, because that’s where I believe I belong.  But that’s because I was measuring myself by the wrong perspective.

Which gets me to thinking about how small and insignificant I often feel. Compared to most people and their accomplishments, I feel small, almost unnoticeable. There is something inside of me that wants to be great, to know that I matter, to know that what I do is making an eternal difference.

That’s what comparison does: it skews our view of ourselves and we begin to believe the lie ~ the one that says we aren’t pretty enough
smart enough
stylish enough
skinny enough
tall enough
young enough
good enough.
When we feel small and insignificant, we need to remind ourselves that God sees us, and we have to believe that what we have to offer matters.

Just Think
by Roy Lessin
Just think,
you’re here not by chance,
but by God’s choosing.
His hand formed you
and made you the person you are.
He compares you to no one else.
You are one of a kind.
You lack nothing
that His grace can’t give you.
He has allowed you to be here
at this time in history
to fulfill His special purpose
for this generation.

Let us then encourage one another ~ for what you do does not go unnoticed ~ what you do does not go unseen ~ for the One who truly matters is pleased with your humble offerings.



Anneliese said...

I couldn't help but think how that is exactly how satan talked to Eve in the Garden.. what she had was not enough. His tactics have not changed, have they? But in God's eyes we are loved so much that He sent His Son to die for us. May we ever be ready to put that in the face of our enemy.