Tuesday, July 10, 2012 | By: Anita


We never talk about our struggles.

It’s true.

Most of the time, people are not who they seem to be. We tend to walk around with perfect, plastic, pretentious smiles, presuming to others that our life is practically perfect in every way. Thinking that others will be offended or disgusted when they see us for who we really are; we tend to hide behind the mask.

It’s smiles, laughter, a short temper, an indifferent attitude or acting clueless. We show whatever type of face or attitude that will keep the demons away. The mask is a lie, you may think that hiding your pain is helping you live but instead, it is holding you prisoner.

Here’s a scenario that I think everyone can relate to: someone in your life hurts you. It could be physical, verbal or emotional. When it’s over, they walk away without apology or regret. Because they don’t care, you refuse to forgive them. That unforgiving attitude turns you into someone else. You lash out at people with your tongue or even your fists. All the while, the person who hurt you is walking around without any thought of you whatsoever.

Does this sound familiar? God wants to heal your wounds. Jesus died on the cross so that you could be free from bearing that pain alone (Isaiah 53:5). If you’ve never read the Bible or it has been a long time, here are a few people you need to become acquainted with: The woman at the well, the Samaritan woman, the woman with the issue of blood. Their wounds weren't evident to others, except Jesus. Their belief in Jesus healed the source of their pain.

If there were a spiritual GPS, we could locate your spot in the desert. Imagine you did so with me and I said, "This place is my identity forever." You'd shake your head and say, oh no, you're on your way to the Promised Land! This is just a temporary stop!"

Living with your pain is not God’s will. He wants to heal your mind, body and soul through His love and your faith that He can do it. This doesn’t mean that the pain goes away all at once. Sometimes physical pain can stay with you as a lesson through your life to others who are suffering. God’s love can turn difficult circumstances into something that can benefit your life and give Him glory! Many bitter people are holding on to hurt, hiding behind the mask they've created. Giving up the pain you have hidden for so long means you are opening yourself up to the possibility of more pain. But, God won’t hurt you. Let His healing wash out the fear and bring you back to life once again.

Dr. Seuss wrote "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." This quote can help you gain the confidence you might need to take off your mask.

We all wear masks at one time or another.  Tell me; what is it in your life that you need to be healed from so that your mask can come off?
