Thursday, July 12, 2012 | By: Anita

Chasing Brave

“Without fear there cannot be courage.” ~ Christopher Paolini

Do you consider yourself brave? How do you conquer your fears? Or do you live a life sometimes paralyzed by "what ifs" and/or worry?

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

Seriously, WHAT would you do if you knew you could not fail?

At the top of my list you'd find base jumping, parasailing, and helicopter flying, all related to my fear of tumbling through space to a painful death of mangled limbs and paralysis for life heights. This is one of those things I'd change about myself if change was as simple as willing it or wishing on stars.

But it's not.

Sometimes I'm a fraidy cat.

A question I often ask when making important life decisions is;

Do the advantages outweigh the risk?

My 45th birthday is later this year.

I think that's the first time I've written it...and though I've struggled to mention my age since I turned 29 oh so many years ago, it feels strange clicking off my fingertips, seeing it in writing.

It seems important at this season in life to ask that question--What would I do if I knew I couldn't fail?

On one hand I like the question; it compels you to DREAM BIG. But I think I prefer a different question: What will I regret not trying at the end of my life?

This isn't a faith in God thing for me. It's not about trusting him in the here and now for salvation, eternal life, forgiveness, redemption {I do}; although I believe he's wired me the way I am, and, any victory is a result of a Kingdom work in me.

But practically speaking, I'm learning to conquer (non-height-related fears) by asking a simple question:

What's the worst thing that can happen?

I try to consider all the possible different scenarios, trying to imagine the Very Worst Thing that can happen, and {SNAP} the paralysis is cured.

I'm able to live ~ fully live ~ in and then through the moment.

And, you know what? The Very Worst Thing has never happened.

I'm working on a bucket list; not necessarily to do before or while I'm 45, or even before I am 50, but a list of things that demand me to step outside my comfort zone, learn something new, challenge curiosity and convention, live more simply, see with new eyes. Take risks.

Will you lend me your imagination?

I'd love to hear your suggestions for my bucket list.

And I'd love for you to answer either question:
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
What will you regret not trying at the end of your life?



Anneliese said...

Maybe, if I knew I could not fail ...I'd ski down a mountain or behind a speeding boat ... I'd write a book ... I'd speak out more about what's in my heart and the hope we have in Christ... inviting others to "come and see."
BTW - getting past 45 is a wonderful thing. I think you actually get to the point where you get to believe that have nothing to lose by stepping out in faith... also a place where you have earned a place to say something.

Becky said...

Not exacactly sure...probably would be to try sky diving ( really anything with heights)

I'd be not so afariad to answer the tough questions with answers I know the other person WANTS to hear as oppossed to what I REALLY wnat to answer...

Those are just a few things...
