Friday, July 20, 2012 | By: Anita

First step

When I walk, I try to leave everything behind. Sometimes I’ll take my camera with me, hoping to capture the beauty that is before me - but since I am not very proficient at taking pictures - I tend to leave it behind as now it only keeps me distracted. In fact I don’t even wear a watch as I find that that too can be distracting. I try to use my time on the quiet country roads as an opportunity to process my thoughts, think through my ideas and to earnestly pray for the situations I find myself in. This well-spent time can help to put everything back into perspective.

I’m yearning how to walk like a believer, how to look ahead on the path rather than just at my feet. How to stop and to pick up the stones that are unique and catch my eye to watch as the birds flit through trees, to admire the vines growing over the stone pile. How to see, truly see.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this, there was a time when I would read the inspiring words other people wrote and I would think why can’t I write like them.? Why does it take so long for me to put my thoughts and ideas into words? Their posts seem to flow and their words come so easy. There are days when I struggle with what I want to say. I type it off and then hit delete more times than I care to count. Others make it look so easy. I'm a bit of a thinker and to be honest it takes me a lot of time until I can get my thoughts and words put together. In fact there are several posts sitting “in the que”, waiting ~ you see I am great at coming up with different titles to the posts, but then I need more time to process all my thoughts, to put the words together until they are just right and say exactly what it is that I need to express.

As I trundle along I tend to gather quite a collection of stones. Usually it’s the sparkly pretty ones that make the cut since my eye tends to be drawn to those. And YES! I do collect them. {you might find this post amusing.}

Anyway, my collection sits by the door in the house and as I walk by it each time I am reminded that stones like people have their own unique design and sometimes they need to be separated from the group to see the beauty that each of them possess. 

Each new day there another adventure of walking and stone collecting waiting; and all we have to do is take that first step.  Life is an adventure and we can either stay holed up in our house/selves or we can embrace the life given to us.
