Tuesday, May 1, 2012 | By: Anita

New layout

Confession: I am not as technological as I'd like to be.

Since Blogger has a new layout - I must confess I am not as quick to blog.  I find myself getting overwhelmed with trying to figure out how to create posts, update sidebars, and generally do anything since it's all so different from the way I used to do it.
It's not that I can't figure it out, it's that I am from the old school that if it's not broken don't fix it.
I started blogging five years ago. Since that time, I have written over 600 posts. During that time, I have learned a great deal about blogging: I’ve had times when I felt creative and the posts flowed - and times when I couldn’t string two sentences together.

I’ve had times when I loved writing and didn’t want to stop—and times when I hated writing and couldn’t start.

I’ve had times when I thought about starting a second or third blog - and times when I wanted to quit the one I have.

I think I have just about experienced it all.

But I keep going, one post at a time. Why? Because blogging has benefited me in several different ways:
Blogging has helped clarify my own thinking. This is the single biggest benefit of blogging to me. It’s probably why I started blogging to begin with. Writing helps me untangle my thoughts.

Blogging has provided me a way to connect with my family. My commenting system allows family & friends to respond to my posts and helps to sharpen my own thinking.

Blogging has resulted in a treasure trove of content.  I love re-reading my posts and value the words written.

Blogging has provided a way to contribute to others.  This is the way I share what I have been given. When I hear or read something stimulating I want to pass it along. For me blogging is my thing.  It's just one of those things that makes me, me.

One of the best parts of blogging is that you can learn as you go. Not every post has to be perfect. The important thing is to start. And, if you have started, keep going even when you're frustrated with the layout.



Becky said...

I do so enjoy reading your blogs...keep posting
I may not be faithful to look daily at a blog ( often I read 2 or 3 at a time)

Very good THOUGHTFUL info you share

keep it up