Wednesday, May 16, 2012 | By: Anita

just because

who doesn't love getting a present? whether it's for christmas, birthday or just because. it's probably the 'just because' ones that tend to mean the most. most people and i am no exception. tend to expect presents for christmas, birthday, valentines, thanksgiving, canada day, easter, and the hey don't forget st. patty's day {smirk}. do you think I like getting presents?  it's those 'just because' unexpected ones that can really move me to to tears. 
today, my mom gave me this 'just because' gift.  anyone who really knows me, knows what this scripture means to me. for those of you who don't, well the simple version is; i struggle sometimes alot with my self-worth and what exactly i am doing in this life.  this scripture helps bring everything back into focus and gives me the reminder i need and the boost to keep going.

thanks mom,  on a day when i really needed it, you blessed me!



Becky said...

Those are the REALLY meaningful get a gift not because it is a special occassion when you are expecting something...but to get a gift when you are not expecting it....I need to be more spontanious to give the just because gifts...

Thanks for the reminder
Blessings to you

Anneliese said...

Isn't it wonderful how scripture can put things into perspective?
You have a good mom.