Monday, April 16, 2012 | By: Anita

yes, er, um, i mean no

the other night, i wrote an e-mail that most may consider a piece of cake.

for me, it had taken months to push me to this point where i hesitantly raised my hand and said, “i can’t anymore.” so i sat in front of my screen, line blinking in the big white space, my heart pounding and waiting for words.

in a way, i think i felt like a quitter. mostly i didn’t want to disappoint someone.

once i sent it though, despite my fear, there was an immediate relief of knowing my plate wasn’t as full as before. my no was a needed step.

for more reasons than i can list, i’m beginning to see a proverbial line form in the sand. i even wrote it in my journal this morning: i feel the line being drawn and i’m wondering when the answer will appear – which side will i be found in the end?

at what point will i need to cross?

i don’t even know the answer. {this is what bugs me the most}

feeling the urge to say yes to the no’s – the releasing of things once important but now an added pressure. good things. beautiful things.

but not my things.

in letting go, i’m embracing more of who i am – more of who He’s made me to be for the world. i’m opening my eyes to brand-new possibilities and resting in the certainty of right now.

and i’m learning that no – despite the fear – is okay.

have you ever said yes to no?

are you needing to right now?



Debra said...

Changing things up, means a new chapter in the book of Anita. Ooo... I wonder what exciting things will happen next?!!

Becky said...

Unfortunately there is no looking ahead to see what the next chapter is taking things a day at a time and UNFORUNATLY trying to stay patient in waiting to see how it will all turn out...

but when one door closes another will open.....

can't wait to see what that door has to offer on the other side
