Saturday, April 14, 2012 | By: Anita


I laugh a little before I respond because I have so been there.

I still go there sometimes.

But I'm slowly learning we're not made to live worn out lives. We're not supposed to be tired all the time. How did we get persuaded that we have to run on empty? It's April. And outside my window are signs of new life. Flowers daring to slip their heads up toward the sun. Trees unleashing the first small, green leaves.

Growth. Good things. Renewal.

This month I want us to focus on the same.

Let's explore together, be creative even dare to play a little. Let's find out how to stop being so tired all the time. What do you say?

The first step is always what Jesus says, "Come to Me, you who are weary and burdened." So we come, Lord, to You who loves us and ask that You'll show us truth and new ways of being.

So let's continue down that path here together and find out what God has in store...

What do you recommend as the first step for women out there who are really frazzled?"



Candice said...

I think the best thing I can do when I'm frazzled is let Stu hold me tight. My brain is spinning, my body is shaking and I am spinning out of control. His strength holds me fast and makes me feel secure. I need that.