Monday, January 31, 2011 | By: Anita

Winter Creek

As I was walking today, having remembered my camera I took a few pictures to capture some of the winter beauty. Even weeds can look good in the winter. This one of the creek is probably my favourite.

Faithful readers will call this post. Where I mention about the little creek that runs though what used to be the pasture land on our farm. And during the summer months, I like to take detours over to the creek and sit for awhile. Sitting there at the creek gives me opportunity to be surrounded by God's nature and to think about the hustle and bustle of daily life. It seems as if people have no time to pause and to think. We're too busy and too often we let opportunities pass us by. We think there's too much to do... and we rush frantically from one task to another. While this time of year you won't find me sitting by the creek; but seeing it gives me hope; of the summer to come, when I will take time to slow life down and reflect on my life.



Becky said...

thanks for sharing your winter wonderland is good to have this slower season in life when we have chance to just stay home ( mostly due to weather) and just take time to relax and reflect on things in the past and things to come
