Sunday, January 2, 2011 | By: Anita

Back to the books

Darcy returned to Fanshawe today, to begin another semester of school. {sniff, sniff. sigh} Kyle goes back next week. {double sniff} When Kyle first came home he told me he was ready for a break from school, but after these few weeks off he's keen to get back to the books. Hopefully after having a few weeks off won't be too difficult for them. Getting back into routine will be good, not only for them but for me as well.

Faithful readers will recall that Wayne & I are empty nesters. So it took some time for us to get used to having both our boys home. Having our food vanish, scattering dirty dishes on the counter, leaving mountains of laundry in the bins. Don't get me wrong, it's been great these past few weeks having both of our boys home from school.

With Darcy in the Law Clerk Program and Kyle in the Police Foundations Program both 2 year programs, we've got a few more semesters ahead for just Wayne and I; until they come back, that is if they come back. Once they fly the coop they might not return, and that too will be something to adjust too.



krystle ann-marie said...

Oh mom! You're going to be just fine, I know. :) Besides, think how much money you are saving with all those groceries you don't have to buy! ;)