Thursday, September 30, 2010 | By: Anita

Turning the page

For a little while now I've been feeling a bit 'betwixt and between'? I'm sure it's because of this 'empty nest syndrome', that I recently have been faced with. Suddenly it seems that the way I used to define myself, my life, no longer makes sense. It seems that I am experiencing an ending. And while I realize that I am not the first, nor will I be the last women on this journey, it sometimes feels like I am alone in this.

We’re all on a journey, I guess, but my journey has taken me into territory that even though I knew it was coming and perhaps even looking forward to, I'm still struggling through the process. And now that I am here I wish to go back; because going forward is unknown and it's somewhere I've never been. I've a feeling of being in ..... Limbo, which can be an uncomfortable place. It's a feeling of being on a winding path that is heading somewhere but nowhere close to being finished. At least it means there IS a forward motion in effect, a transition of sorts to new beginnings.

To help me prepare for this "The Next Chapter" of my life journey I've been journaling in hopes of understanding the transition process. Keeping myself to busy could undermine the processing, because it's in the reflection and contemplation that I am able to stop spinning my wheels long enough to examine the overflow of my heart and take my "spiritual temperature," so to speak.
